How to win roulette at the casino

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It's always best practice to check out the website of the casino you plan to visit beforehand to see if they offer any incentives.

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They offer things such as bonus chips, free plays, vouchers for dining or hotels, and so on.

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Many casinos have incentive/rewards programs you can join and are often free. It's customary to tip on each win and then again when you leave the table. When tipping, always do so in chips, never cash. When it comes to your chips, never touch them once they are on the tablet and likewise, don't touch your chip earnings until the dealer is done handing them all to you. Never sit at a table unless you are playing. Never take your phone out when playing a table.

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And because of cheating, the rules in casinos can be strict. It's no fun getting yelled at by a pit boss or dealer for doing something wrong.

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